Sunday, October 23, 2022

 Our logo

Team Cornelia Alina Moț, Găvojdia Secondary School, Romania

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

İstanbulluoğlu SBL Emine Kaya team

Emine Kaya İstanbulluoğlu Social Sciences High School Students team eSecurity Rules

Our logo İstanbulluoğlu Social Sciences High School team Emine Kaya

Sports Day. Asiye team


Rights. Asiyes team


Selection logo. Asiye team


Codeweek. Asiye team


Beyza logos. Asiye team


Asiyes team




Thursday, October 13, 2022

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Saturday, October 8, 2022



6.1.Logo Book, with Book Creator
6.2. Logo contest. We vote from Oct. 25- Oct. 30.
6.3. Human Rights-collaborative book Story Jumper
-we will make teams: team 1 writes about a right - the partner 2 makes a drawing to describe that right, the partner 3 read the article and write 2 questions in the table for an evaluation
-each partner will fill in all 3 parts in turn: 1 right, 1 drawing, 2 questions
6.4. Kahoot about Rights: We'll do it with the rights questions
6.5. Students work in teams
Post pictures of students working in teams on the project on Padlet
-online meeting

European School Sports Day 2022! We promote tolerance through #sport, applying the methods contained in the #ToLERaNce booklet #EUROPEANWEEKOFSPORT Activity in partnership with the County Association "Sport for all", Suceava and "Liber la Education, Culture si Sport", Bucharest. #projectLECS #ToLERaNce #ErasmusPLUS #ESSD2022 #BeActive #GettingSchool on the Move #AmbassadorErasmus+ #eTwinning ambassador


Fight for your right to life! Symposium dedicated to commemorating the Holocaust: -watching some Livresq lessons: "The Holocaust" and "The Holocaust in Romania" -debate on the given topic - the presentation of some personalities who fought for the salvation of the Jews and received the title of "righteous among the peoples" - the impact of the Holocaust through films and books - Kahoot interactive contest. Congratulations to the students for involvement!


Fight for your right to life, family, education, equality, alimentation!


My eTwinning Team!


We are coding . School news